Cryptomeria Radicans


If you need a fast-growing evergreen that will form a perfect pyramid with no trimming, Cryptomeria Radicans is the tree you need. It will quickly reach 30 to 40 feet in height but only be 15 feet wide, making it an ideal specimen for smaller spaces or for a narrow screen where space is limited.

  • Rich, healthy green foliage all year round
  • Disease resistant and pest free
  • Perfect slender pyramid form with no trimming needed
  • Reliable in poor and compacted soil – still grows rapidly
  • Remarkable four feet of growth each year until mature

Thriving in poor urban conditions, this tree is the first-choice for warmer regions with good natural rainfall. It will grow rapidly, shooting up four feet a year in the early years, to quickly give a dense and attractive screen that needs no trimming to keep its beauty. Cryptomeria Radicans is notable for its slim outline, making a beautiful narrow column perfect for limited spaces or smaller gardens. For a broader tree choose the Yoshino Japanese Cryptomeria.